UnBQ - New Era, New Look

Over 50 years ago our ancestors occupied this old Indian Residential School with the determination that we can and we must be responsible for our own education. In those 50 plus years we have grown from an elementary/ high school, to a college, and now to a University. We offer programming in diverse areas, from Headstart to academic readiness to Doctoral Studies.

We are Land, Language, Ceremony, Relationship
We are Life Long Learners
We are a Treaty Protection Site
We are open to learners of all cultures

This university is an act of sovereignty. Our ancestors took over this school with the firm conviction that we can do this for ourselves— guided by the laws and ethics of the Creator and the oral traditions and ceremonies of our ancestors. We are partners in helping learners find healing and balance by educating and nurturing the whole person to become leaders, helpers, and change agents in their families and Nations.

Indian Residential Schools were designed to erase language and identity. We now use this building to restore language and identity through ceremony and education. We honour all who have gone before and made this path, we honour all those who never made it home – they continue to inspire us.

The pandemic delayed our anniversary activities, but here we are now, ready for a new era with a new look. Our colours come from ceremony. The circles represent our wholeness, motion, equality, and inclusion. Thanks to ZGM for helping us express ourselves in this way.

Kenny Mak

Indig Design is an Indigenous owned design studio specializing in Squarespace website projects, both new and redesigns, and design projects from logos, signs and advertising to corporate reports and catalogues

We create, inspire, build relationships and do great work that matters.


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