Sponsorship Applications
Eligibility Criteria
The Saddle Lake Post Secondary Program (SLPS) provides sponsorship to an eligible Onicikiskwapowin Cree Nation member towards the academic and support costs of post secondary education.
THREE eligibility criteria must be met by ALL applicants:
a. Personal
b. Educational Institute
c. Program
a. Personal Eligibility
Must be a member of the Onicikiskwapowin Cree Nation #125 for whom funding was requested and received from Indigenous Services Canada (ISC), excluding a member of Whitefish Lake (Goodfish) First Nation. Proof of eligibility will be confirmed with Saddle Lake Cree Nation Membership department.
Must settle any outstanding debt or make arrangements for repayment of such debt to Saddle Lake Education Authority.
Must settle any outstanding debts to any education institution such as:
a. Library fines;
b. Parking fines; or
c. Any other debt.Must declare any outstanding legal (court leave) or medical matters (pregnancy/surgery) which may or may not affect your program of study.
b. Educational Institution Eligibility
Eligible institutions must be on the Master List of Designated Educational Institutions on the Government of Canada’s website.
c. Program Eligibility
Students may only be eligible for sponsorship if the program meets all three of the following criteria:
You will be attending a degree, diploma, or certificate granting institution recognized/accredited by a province, territory or state as a post secondary institution.
Your program study requires completion of Grade 12 as a mandatory entrance/admission requirement for all students, including mature.
Your program of studies is at least one academic year (eight months) in length and leads to a certificate, diploma, or degree.
Deadline Dates
You are responsible for your success and it starts with knowing the deadline dates!
FALL - JUNE 1: September - December
WINTER - OCTOBER 15: January - April
All Students are required to fill out an application form for each term and the SLPS Student Self-Determination Agreement
The Saddle Lake Post Secondary staff will process all applications. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the application process. The Saddle Lake Education Authority Board will review all Post-Secondary applications which are eligible for sponsorship, provided that all criteria are met. Final decisions will be made by the Saddle Lake Education Authority Board.
Applicants will be informed in writing of the Board’s decision by the Saddle Lake Post-Secondary staff. Applicant must submit their application (SIGNED AND DATED) to the Saddle Lake Post-Secondary office prior to the deadlines for sponsorship. Failure to submit all documents prior to the deadline date(s) may result in denial of educational sponsorship. For audit purposes, all applications must be signed by the applicant.
Submit your application via email to Amberly Makokis, Administrative Assistant (amberly.makokis@saddlelake.ca), and CC Bernadine Houle-Steinhauer, Director (bernadinehs@saddlelake.ca) and Betty Ann Cardinal, Student Advisor (bettyanncardinal@saddlelake.ca).
Ensure your application is attached to your email. You can also deliver your application to our office.
Complete, sign and submit your application before the deadline dates.
Include the Intersession Application.
You can download the required forms below:

2022/2023 Student Policy Handbook
All students are to become familiar with the Student Policy Handbook contents.
If you are unable to download the handbook, please call any of the post secondary staff and we will send via email.
SLPS Student Self Determination Agreement
Please review, sign and submit your SLPS Student Self Determination Agreement, found on pages 45, 46 & 47 of your Student Policy Handbook, or you can download it here:

Required Documents:
Tuition deposits and/or application fees shall remain the responsibility of a new applicant and will not be reimbursed if he or she has not been selected for educational assistance.
Complete and Sign Application and Waiver Form for each term (to be processed at the Education Office);
Acceptance letter from the Post Secondary institution;
All current & up-to-date Transcripts from previous enrollment;
Career plan (one page essay outlining educational & career objectives);
Two letters of reference (immediate family members excluded);
Course schedule & Program Plan/Evaluation;
Fee Assessment schedule from Post Secondary institution;
Photocopy of Indian Status Card;
Photocopy of Provincial Health Care Card of applicant and all dependent(s), if applicable;
Photocopy of S.I.N. card;
Employer verification, if applicable; and
A void cheque or a Pre-authorization Form from your banking institution (if approved for sponsorship)
Need your high school transcripts? Order them here
An application for a continuing student must be submitted by appropriate deadline date per term and sponsorship will be dependent on academic performance.
Complete and Sign Application and Waiver Form for each term (to be processed at the Education Office);
Confirmation of registration or acceptance letter from Post Secondary institution or Faculty;
Transcripts from previous term/year;
Tuition / Fee Assessment schedule from Post Secondary institution;
Course schedule for each term; and
Employer verification, if applicable.
New Applicant – refer to Part 1 and reference Note below
Continuing Student – refer to Part 2 and reference Note below
Note: Student must be enrolled in at least two (2) 3-credit courses or one (1) 6-credit course per term to be considered for full-time funding (tuition, books, & post-secondary allowance). If you need additional support on how to plan your career path, please call the Post Secondary Student Advisor or consult with your High School Counsellor.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us